Subscription fees will change next month

I’m planning to change the price of subscription in May.
The price from next month is, though it is not yet finalized, around 700 yen.

Fees for current subscribers will not change

The fee for your subscriptions will not increase.
You will still be able to view all posts for 500 yen per month.
If you cancel your subscription and subscribe again, you will be charged the new rate.

New subscribers who join during this month will also be able to subscribe at 500 yen. Please take this opportunity to support.

About the cost of this website

I know you will not be convinced by the sudden increase in price, so let me explain how this site is managed.

About the time required for a post

Some people think that AI image generation can be done in an instant. Actually, it takes a lot of work to generate images like the one shown on this site.

It is true that it only takes a few seconds to generate a single image. However, the image that is just generated have oddly drawn hands and feet. So I must correct each part of the image. For one image, I re-generate it over 300 times. I also hand-draw some parts and add onomatopoeia. In the end, it takes 2 to 3 hours for one image. Though it is easier than hand-drawing, it takes a certain amount of time.

If a post have 10 images as in my recent post, it takes two full days.

Abount the monthly cost

AI generation requires expensive GPUs. I am using RTX4090, and my electric bill costs 10,000 yen per month.

Also, this site is managed by my own system instead of Fanbox or Fantia. I need to pay for that and the current cost is about 3,000 yen per month now. I’m also creating own billing system through Gumroad, so I have to maintain those system.

Including other expenses, the total, cost is about 10,000 to 20,000 yen per month.

I look forward to your support

I am running this site as a hobby, not as a job, but your support is encouraging. Thank you for your support.

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